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Shown below are the details we have on record for the company you have selected. Please remember to mention Bath Brides when contacting this company!

The Natural Theatre Company


Address: Widcombe Institute
Widcombe Hill
01225 469131
Contact Name:
General Manager
Fax: 01225 442555

No social occasion in the Bath area is complete without a surprise visit from the world famous Natural Theatre Company...and that includes weddings! Nervous brides and anxious parents have found that an incursion by our hilarious characters is just the thing to break the ice at the reception or to add a certain unique 'something' to the celebrations.

'Their timings were impeccable, the acts sensational and our guests were left laughing in floods of tears. You made it the happiest and most original day we have ever had!' Contented Groom

Why not call us to discuss how we can bring tears of laughter to your wedding.

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